What Is Last Click Attribution and How to Use It

For your team’s marketing efforts to be effective, you need to understand which marketing channels and touchpoints will resonate with your audience the most. You need to understand which channels and touchpoints are so successful in everything they do that they generate leads want convert.

Last click assignment can help you with that – it helps identify which marketing touchpoint resulted in a conversion in the latter part of the buyer’s journey.

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Last click attribution model

In this blog post, we cover all of the things that have been attributed to the last click, including definition, uniqueness, use by your marketing team, and much more.

Advantages and disadvantages of last-click mapping

Last click mapping is useful when you want to know which of your marketing channels and touchpoints have the greatest impact on who final Stage of the buyer’s journey.

While this is helpful information, it does not take into account that numerous other channels and touchpoints that influenced a customer from the start of the buyer’s journey. This is important to be aware of as there are a multitude of touchpoints across numerous channels that affect the buyer’s guidance. Because of this, most marketers these days forego using only the last click assignment. Rather, they use multi-touch mapping or include the final click as part of their other marketing mapping efforts.

For example, let’s say a lead received an email from your email campaign, clicked your website, read a blog post, and then decided that they wanted to buy your product. Well, the final click assignment would only take into account that final touch point – the blog post. Meanwhile, the other touchpoints during the buyer’s journey that helped make that lead’s decision will be discarded.

This is why multi-touch attribution has become such a popular attribution model with today’s marketers. The multi-touch mapping takes into account all of these touchpoints and channels and assigns a credit to them based on their influence.

In addition to the last click and multi-touch mapping, you may have heard of the first click mapping.

First click vs. last click attribution

Assigning the first click differs from assigning the last click in that all credit for a conversion is assigned to the first point of contact or channel (e.g. interaction on your website or with a marketing campaign) that a customer made prior to a conversion would have.

First click mapping is helpful when you want to know which of your marketing efforts are generating initial traffic during the awareness phase of the buyer’s journey.

Similar to last click attribution, this is a helpful small-scale attribution method. It is recommended that you combine them with other attribution methods to get a clear picture of your marketing attribution efforts.

Now let’s talk about how your marketing team can use last-click mapping.

How to generate a last click attribution report

If you’re doing a stand-alone attribution report for last click, you are likely using an attribution tool.

If you’re already using an attribution tool, chances are it might have a specific report that focuses solely on the last click. There is also the option to offer customizable attribution reports that also allow you to generate a last-click report.

Either way, you have a few options that you should consider when creating your own marketing attribution reports.

1. Assignment of HubSpot advertisements

Hubspot ad software

HubSpot Ads software offers five attribution models: You can filter your advertising campaigns by attribution reports to determine how your ads affect contacts throughout the buyer’s journey within HubSpot.

By creating a custom multi-touch attribution report, you can improve the data for the last click / interaction. You can also customize the group of contacts you want to report on and the status of your campaign (“active”, “paused”,). “or” deleted) and the date range.

Let HubSpot’s ad software use CRM data to create personalized and targeted ad campaigns and report on the ads that prospects are converting.

2. Google Ads Association

Google ad attribution reports

Google Ads Assignment gives insight into cross-channel assignment so you have a solid understanding of how your Google Ads are performing with your target audience. With this insight, you can improve all marketing interactions and touchpoints throughout the buyer’s journey.

Google Ads offers six attribution models, one of which is the final click. There is the entire credit for a conversion to the last event / last clicked Google ad and the corresponding keyword.

3. Facebook attribution

Facebook attribution reports

Facebook Attribution gives you a complete picture of how prospects and customers interact with your business throughout the buyer’s journey through Facebook (including the final stage of the buyer’s journey when the last click is).

Facebook manages the entire credit for a conversion up to the last click for you – no impressions or previous contact points are credited. If there is a click within 60 seconds of a visit, Facebook will credit the click.

Getting started with last-click mapping

The final click is a great addition to your attribution strategy. By determining the last customer contact point on the buyer’s journey before a conversion, you can understand which interactions and content are likely to have a major impact on your customers.

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