Do you use a password manager on your devices?

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Today is World Password Day, a day that helped promote more secure password habits. That means less “password123” and more “J39jem @ asdjf3”.

Another important tip we can recommend is using a password manager on your mobile device or computer. Some browsers have built-in password managers, while there are also third-party apps that are browser and device independent.

Password managers save and generate complex passwords for you and fill in your passwords automatically. In fact, the user only needs to create a strong password for the password manager (or browser account) himself.

So we thought we were going to vote Android Authority Reader and ask if you use password manager on your devices. To be very clear, we include the standard features of your mobile device’s password manager (e.g. Google or Samsung Pass or Huawei Password Vault), your browser’s password manager (e.g. Google Password Manager), and third-party apps for mobile devices or computers (like LastPass).

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